Cognitive: An interesting application area for probiotics.

A recent study (Marotta et al.,2019) has demonstrated the link between probiotics and cognitive health. The study was aimed to understand the potential positive effect of specific probiotic strains on psychological well-being, measured by changes in mood (e.g., cognitive reactivity to sadness, depression, and anxiety), personality dimensions and quality of sleep, both considered related to mood. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 38 healthy volunteers received a probiotic mixture or placebo, respectively and for 6 weeks.  Mood, personality dimensions, and sleep quality were assessed before the beginning of the study, during that period (3 and 6 weeks) and also 3 weeks after the period of intake.  

A significant improvement in mood was observed in the experimental group, with a reduction in depressive attitude state, anger and fatigue, and an improvement in sleep quality.

Furthermore, in an in vitro study (Magistrelli et al.,2019) selected probiotic strains were able to inhibit inflammatory cytokines and Reactive Oxygen Species production in blood samples from 40 PD (Parkinson’s Disease) patients and 40 matched controls (Healthy Donors), providing more evidence of the potential of probiotics in the cognitive area. Another study (Wallis et al., 2018) also offers preliminary evidence to suggest that the enteric microbiota may play a role in the expression of neurological symptoms in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and that well-selected probiotics are able to significantly improve clinical outcomes in these patients.

If you would like to know more about these studies and how you can include those strains in your finished products formulations please click here.

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