Why PureSea® is the best seaweed on the market!

When looking for a seaweed ingredient to add to your next food supplement formulation, you can rest assured that PureSea® Gold-Standard Seaweed is the perfect choice. As a natural, plant-based, organic certified, kosher and allergen free ingredient, which offers uniquely DNA authentication and traceability with every batch, you can rely on its safe and consistent iodine level results every time. Plus, a small inclusion of PureSea® enables up to six EFSA approved health claims.

Independent research has been conducted on the unique and proprietary processing of PureSea®. Results demonstrate that other algae manufacturing processes are unable to extract DNA due to higher temperature milling which researchers have put down to the denaturing of the DNA.

Furthermore, the following table demonstrates a range of features you could benefit from when using PureSea®:

PureSea vs Other Seaweeds

                 Where: "—"  Signifies differences amongst alternate supplies and

                 "X"   Signifies unconfirmed according to market knowledge as of Jan 2022

As you can see there are many reasons to choose PureSea® as your go-to seaweed ingredient so why not get in touch with your local sales representative for more information. Alternatively, visit our PureSea® dedicated page and discover more of its benefits.