Holy Basil and Bacopa for Improved Sleep & Stress Reduction

As part of our PlantNutra® range we offer Holy basil as a high quality and traceable signature ingredient, by Verdure Sciences® (the producers of Longvida® and  Bacognize®).

Holy basil is often used in adaptogenic solutions targeting wellbeing, promoting calming attributes, alleviating stress, and offering restorative benefits for a balanced mood, emotional wellbeing and mental vitality.

Recent published data suggests that low doses of Holy basil may reduce stress and insomnia, and increase sleep efficiency.

A published study (2021) with Bacognize® Bacopa extract reported numerous findings in emotional and mental wellbeing, alertness, focus, and impact on sleep, stress, and other quality of life markers.

The ability to improve grogginess was significant and positive results were observed in alertness upon waking, emotional wellbeing, salivary morning cortisol and general health. Therefore, combining Holy basil with Bacognize® may offer an interesting  concept targeting sleep support, mood and overall well-being.

Bacognize® is a clean label, natural standardized extract derived from Bacopa monnieri, clinically proven to support memory, mood, attention, focus, emotional balance and sleep. Bacognize® offers complete nootropic support without stimulating side effects.

For more information, visit our PlantNutra® Holy basil and Bacognize®  dedicated pages or contact us.