Boswellia & Sustainability: Safe trees for the future

In an effort to promote sustainable practices and initiatives, Verdure Sciences recently collaborated with their long-term supplier in India to plant 2,000 Boswellia serrata saplings in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh to protect these sacred trees and support the families who depend on them to earn a living for generations to come.

Boswellia serrata, a tree native to India, has been used for centuries for its healing properties by the people of Madhya Pradesh and in Ayurveda. Verdure Sciences partners with local tribes to sustainably harvest the oleo-resin from the Boswellia trees for the wild crafted, clinically tested, Wokvel®.

One key reason why the health of these trees is so important now is the long maturation rate. It takes an average of 12 years for a tree to mature to the point of producing the gum used in wellness applications. Therefore acting on sustainability measures now helps to secure the future of gum producing trees while there is still time for new trees to grow to maturation.

Trees also need resting periods between resin harvests, and this is controlled by the people put in place to protect them. Planting new trees will help each tree get the resting period it needs and ensures financial security during resting periods for the families who protect them.

Verdure Sciences works in partnership with the local government, forest officers, tribal communities, and more to keep these trees safe and producing gum for the future. Verdure sustainability plans include a goal of 20,000 new saplings in the area by 2020 to continue to preserve these sacred trees.

WokVel® is a branded ingredient conceived to deliver bioavailable Boswellia and clinically researched to target the 5-lipoxygenase inflammatory pathway and contribute to joint health support. To learn about WokVel® please visit our dedicated page or contact us.