Epicor®: the ideal ingredient for your cold & flu supplement line.

EpiCor® is a clinically researched whole-food fermentate shown to support the immune system for better overall health. The first study on EpiCor® and cold/flu symptoms was a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled human clinical trial. It was performed over a twelve week period during the major cold and flu season. 116 healthy subjects participated in the study and they had not been vaccinated for the influenza virus that season. The group taking 500mg of EpiCor® daily had a reduced incidence of cold and flu symptoms compared to the placebo group.

A second study was conducted by the same research group. It was also a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled human clinical trial performed over the same twelve week period during the major cold and flu season in South Dakota. However, for this study the 116 healthy subjects were vaccinated for that season’s influenza virus. Again, the non-placebo group took 500 mg EpiCor® once daily. For this study, not only was the incidence of colds and flu for the EpiCor® group lower compared to the placebo group but, the symptoms they exhibited had a reduced duration.

Because both of these studies were conducted concurrently by the same group with identical protocols, the data from both studies can be combined and shows that over the 12 week study period, there was a 26% reduction in days with cold and flu symptoms for the EpiCor® group compared to the placebo group.

Furthermore, another clinical trial showed evidence that EpiCor® starts to work within two hours.

To learn more about EpiCor® and download all the clinical evidence mentioned above, please visit our dedicated page or contact us for more information.

Click here to watch our Geelawson video on Immune Health.