Benefits of Veri-te® for Bone Health in Men

A study investigated the effects of Veri-te® on bone health in overweight men. Over a 16-week period, a randomized, placebo-controlled trial involved 74 men (aged 43 to 54), with a BMI over 30 and metabolic syndrome. Participants received either 150mg of Veri-te® a placebo daily.

The study assessed the impact of Veri-te® supplementation on bone metabolism proteins, bone mineral density, and fracture risk. Findings revealed that Veri-te® positively influenced bone density, mainly by improving bone formation or mineralisation in overweight men.1

Veri-te® is EU-approved under the Novel Food Regulation, delivering premium resveratrol sourced through Evolva's cutting-edge Swiss technology, the "Precision" Fermentation Process.

Supported by research, Veri-te® delivers extensive health benefits for post-menopausal women. Evaluated in the RESHAW study, the largest and longest study on postmenopausal women, it revealed significant benefits on cognitive health, quality of life and bone mineral density.2  

Veri-te® is a renowned brand recognised worldwide which is offered as a >98% trans-resveratrol powder. It adds additional advantages such as reliability, scalability, versatility, solubility in water and has an impressive five-year shelf life.

To learn more, explore our Veri-te® dedicated page or contact us. Book a meeting with the team at our Vitafoods 2024 Stand (D80).


(1) Pedersen Steen et al. Resveratrol increases bone mineral density and bone alkaline phosphatase in obese men: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 99,(2014) 4720-4729. Dec 2014

(2) Thaung Zaw JJ et al. Regular Supplementation With Resveratrol Improves Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women: doi: 10.1002/jbmr.4115. Epub 2020 Jul 14.